Monday 13 April 2015

Remembering Mr Lawrence

Paul R made a moving posting on the Pendraken forum after this weekend's volunteering at Weta Workshop.

"Today was my last day working on the diorama project.  Another full busy day, this time as a 'miniature wrangler', helping to move the figures around Weta Workshop to the team of volunteers that were airbrushing dust on the boots and lower legs. Then organising the figures by pose and then starting to organise the Turks into companies of 180 figures...

"On the way home with one of the other 'miniature wranglers' we estimated that each painted figure was handled at least six times, more if it needed touch ups or 'normalisation', before being ready to go on the diorama - 30,000 touches!

"As a teenager I was fortunate to get to know a New Zealand World War I veteran, Mr Lawrence. He was in Egypt but was ill at the time of the Gallipoli landings, and after recuperating was assigned to looking after the horses left in Egypt by the Kiwis. He went on to fight in Sinai and Palestine, but felt that he had let his mates down by not fighting at Gallipoli.

"In part I have done this project to remember Mr Lawrence."

Read more on the Pendraken forum.

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