Monday 6 April 2015

An extra special paint-job

Mercury 6 ended up churning out 30+ Turks for the project, and worked on dozens more while touching up and repairing models that were damaged in transit.

"Usually after painting a unit of wargaming models I'll reward myself with a character model," he says. "But in this case my reward was one of the beautifully crisp resin Anzacs. He's a casualty, sadly, but still a great model to paint. It was nice to be able to spend a bit of time on a model rather than hurry through a mob of troops with one eye on the clock.

"I also picked up a New Zealand officer who I'm spending some time on, but this guy is my favorite so I thought I'd share a few pictures."

1 comment :

  1. That is simply superb! I wish I could paint like that. The detail on the buckles, for example, is beyond what I can even see, let alone paint!
