Monday 13 April 2015

Pics of yesterday's Gallipoli diorama-work at Weta Workshop

I couldn't do live updates from yesterday's working bee on the diorama at Weta Workshop because my computer decided to misbehave. But now all is well again, so here are some shots of the action.

Armchair General shows progress of the diorama to one of the painting team.  How many dioramas need hard hats and glo-vests during construction?! 

A busy scene with painting tables in action, and a staff conference going on in the background.

I hope that wasn't model paint used on this painter's face. But it was a totally appropriate design, nevertheless.

A big job was to start organising the 5,000 figures into the Order-of-Battle, so they are ready to be placed into the diorama.  These Turks are organised into their companies, lead by three officers each.

Of course, it isn't all about figures.  Scenic items also have to be painted, such as these sandbags.


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