Monday 6 April 2015

Painting in Paradise

Being mostly Wellington based (but working in and now moving to Auckland), John Hutton has been gutted he hasn't been able to join the painting and terrain-making crew at Weta Workshop the last few days.

"Rather," he says, "this Easter I've been at a bach south of Whangarei, joining my partner's family as they gather to celebrate her grandmother's 90th birthday - the party was held at that classic venue, the Mangapai Gun Club.

"Thus while others have been labouring in a warehouse in Wellington, I've had great views and great sun to accompany my brush-strokes. Late last night I completed my last set of figures - ten falling wounded/killed Kiwis. I photographed them this morning in the rising sun."

"I then used up my left-over Ushabti Bone to dry-brush the brother-in-law's car. Kidding! But I'm sure Northland road dust is the pigment base for the most-used pot of paint in this project!"

"This really has been a great project," says John. "I'm looking forward to seeing the completed product. Below are some Kiwis in interesting poses I finished earlier."


  1. Nice on John.

    1. I mean "nice one". Damn fat fingers.

  2. Happy Easter John.

    Top notch painting.


  3. Good to see you John and excellent results
