Thursday 21 May 2015

Woo-hoo! 100,000 hits in four months

Today this blog broke the 100,000 views barrier.  Pretty good for just four months - an average of 25,000 hits a month, or almost 1,000 hits a day!

The first few months were mainly visits by the 140 painters involved in the project.  But since the diorama opened earlier this month, the hits have gone through the roof. This is probably because our blog is the main source of photographs of the finished diorama.

The continuing high number of visitors means a change of emphasis for this blog. Instead of supporting and recording for posterity the now-completed painting project, we've got to be conscious of the fact that our newer visitors want to actually know more about the diorama and see what it is all about.

The best of the pictures haven't even been seen yet!  They're being kept for a special illustrated booklet that is being produced about the diorama, as well as for publication in the wargaming media. Keep watching here for news on these ...


  1. If there was any chance at all us contributors could pre-order signed copies (PJ and chief officers ;) ) would be amazing!
