Tuesday 10 March 2015

'Wairarapa Times-Age' article

Here's the start of an article in the Wairarapa Times-Age today:

The Masterton Marauders Club's wargamers have answered Sir Peter Jackson's call to help create a Chunuk Bair diorama using 4000 individually painted miniature soldiers, in time for Anzac Day.
The club, which meets at the Masterton Croquet Club twice a month, has joined the "Mustering the Troops" project to paint the miniature soldiers.
The club has 80 of the 54mm-high Kiwi and Turkish pewter figurines to share out among members for painstakingly detailed painting ...

Read the rest of the article ...

Picture caption: ONE OF MANY: Masterton Marauders Wargaming Club member Ceilidh Evemy studies a painted figurine of a WWI Anzac soldier as he might have appeared at Gallipoli. The club is painting 80 soldiers, part of a national effort among hobbyists and wargamers to paint 4000 figures for a Chunuk Bair diorama for the Great War Exhibition in Wellington. 

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